2020 "Finish with a (load)Bang!" Commissions Announced!
Kansas City Electronic Music and Arts Alliance and loadbang are excited to announce the winners of our collaboration call for proposals!
Judging Process
Here at KcEMA, we aim to be clear and transparent about how we program concerts and judge calls. In this case, we received four proposals from Kansas City local artists. All four proposals were seen only by KcEMA president, John Chittum, via the official kcema email address. John then put them into a separate, protected Google Drive folder. The only other people with access were Paul Rudy (for adding the UMKC specific call), John, and loadbang.
Members of loadbang received the proposals on October 19th, the day after proposals were due. They waited to review proposals until UMKC's specific call came in as well. Upon receiving all the materials, loadbang looked at the proposals, and then offered to do all four. Due to time requirements, John checked with composers first to see if it was agreeable to do a shorter work. No hints were given as to why, just a single question: "Would you be willing to write a 5-7 minute work from your proposal?" All answered affirmatively, and, thus, all four proposals were chosen.
What does the future hold?
Retrospective of the call
We like to hold retrospectives after each call and figure out how to best reach local Kansas City artists, and improve the experience for everyone. We'll be having a meeting and going over everything now that the call has concluded. Be on the look out for that
Composers start composing!
They've got till March 1st to finish the piece. That's not quite a sprint, but it's not a marathon either. KcEMA will continue to be in touch with composers during this time. We're still working on all the marketing angles, but many folks like to hear about creative process. Be on the look out for more activity in the KcEMA world as we try to ramp up operations!
More shows!
KcEMA has a show being prepped for January already, and possibilities of more shows in March and May! Keep tabs on the website, Facebook page, and other social media sites (really we're just on this site and Fb). We'll have events, information, and more coming out soon!